The End of an Era: Tick Tick Booking Calls it Quits | Solid State

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Friday, April 17, 2009

The End of an Era: Tick Tick Booking Calls it Quits

Posted By on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:30 PM

Words can't convey — at least at the moment — how unhappy I am to have to report this, but Tick Tick has just announced they are ending their booking operations, effective pretty much immediately. They will have one final show, Monday, April 27 at The Monkey House. Once I've had a few minutes to wrap my head around this, I'll try and weigh in with some parting thoughts later this afternoon. But for now . . . sigh.

Here is the farewell letter, in its entirety, that they posted this morning on their website:

Dear everyone,

Tick Tick Booking is officially entering retirement. 

Please join us on Monday, April 27 at the Monkey House for ourfinal show and going away party, featuring Son of Salami, BlackFeelings, Ponytail, Think About Life, and DJs Drew Stock and MikeDevice. 

When we started booking bands in Burlington three years ago, ourvision was to bring the music we wanted to see and the city we lovetogether.  Burlington’s location in the northeast made it seem sensibleto ask our favorite bands to stop here.  And they did, and peoplestarted showing up to see them, and we kept asking bands that said yes,and so we asked our dream bands, and they said yes too. 

We are proud to have connected Vermont to so many other placesthrough our shows, and we are grateful that we’ve been able toexperience so many wonderful happenings with you all, as Burlingtondevelops a fuller and more viable underground music scene.   

The three of us are looking forward to relaxing and moving on toother projects.  Nick Mavadones will continue to be the lighthouse ofBurlington music on his blog, ( and willtry to maintain regular sleeping hours.  Julia Lewandoski isghost-writing a novel and gardening.  Dale Donaldson II is drawing andgiving drawing lessons to a nine-year-old, and considering art school. Graham Keegan will continue to run Tick Tick Printing as a business andis thinking of moving to La-La-Land. 

We consider everyone that has played music, designed something,done a thankless job, hung posters, told someone to come, carried a PA,let us borrow stuff, promoted us on the radio, let us use their space,hosted a band, never came but said something nice, paid extra at thedoor, paid at the door, bought t-shirts, or just showed up, a part ofTick Tick.  So thank you.   

We would like to thank, first, EVERYONE, and then this short list:

Graham Keegan, Matt Malenczak, Ben Mayer, Mike Device, Drew Stock,Eric Olsen, Molly Greene, Colin Patrick Charles, Meryl Lebowitz, MyeshaGosselin, Eric Eichmann, Chris Dunkel, Max Schwartz, RUCCHI, StevenHazen Williams, Turkey P, Clark Derbes, Dan Munzig, Colin Clary, PaddyReagan, Ryan Smith, Ryan Power, Joey Pizza Slice and Miss Marbles, NickMitchell, Shawn Grady, Phinneus Junktique, Lee & Jason, BrianSweeney, Alana Smith, Alaina Janack, Karen Unsworth, Bob Kilpatrick,Dan Bolles, Brent Hallenbeck, Natalie and Roxanne, Jim Lockridge, JoeBeaulieu, Noah Gordon, Emma Hazlett, Alex Budney, Julia Roth, JeremyHadley, Owen Ashworth, Phil Elverum, Liggy, Troy Levy, Kellie Fleury,Luke Awtry, Austin Sirch, Davin and Hannah, Jaime Leclerc, DrewCameron, Katie Nelson, Amanda Sanfillipo, Greg Davis, Vanessa Fatton,Emily Hilliard, Sara Armstrong, Mandy Davis, Wes Buckley, Luke EddieLauren Nathan & Sam Quest, Jan Lewandoski, Rachel Hexter, AnnLawless, Jig Gresser, Dave Tanych, Matt Hagen, Tyson, Bridget Burns,Michael Sundue, Hilary Martin, Leslie, Noah Hoose, Matt White, Sam, RobTicho, Jon Will, Sarah Infoshop, Benjy Adler, Rose Montgomery, TaraJensen, Adam DeMartino, Libby , Bobby Hackney, Julia Cerbone, BrookeMorrison, John Henry Donner, Mara Bethel, Dan Seigel, Katie Butt, RuthErickson

Perfect Day Media, False 45th, Myers Bagels,the UVM Lane Series, WRUV, The Radiator, Bear Cub Productions, theMonkey House, Speaking Volumes, Kriya, Big Heavy World, the Bobbin,Royal Cycles, the city of Montreal, Invisible City Booking, PanacheBooking, Kork Booking, the Billions Corporation, Windish Booking,Battery Street Jeans, Green Door Studio, the Firehouse Gallery, AetherEverywhere, Nu New Age Tapes, Grimeology Records, ISKRA, North EndStudio, the Bakery, Radio Bean, the Second Floor, the StannardHistorical Society, Penny Cluse, Uncommon Grounds, Euro Gourmet,Recycle North, SEABA, Burlington Unitarian Universalist Society, Racheland RMB Sound, Maven, Skinny Pancake, Main Street Landing, theTinderbox Collective, White River Junction, the Main Street Museum,Center for Cartoon Studies, the BPD, Seven Days, Burlington Free Press,Phoebe Magazine, FutureClaw, the OP, Handy’s, 242 Main, Pure Pop, theBatcave, Kasini House,

Abigal Lapell, Adventure, Agnes Palier,Akron/Family, Anna Pardenik, Arbouretum, Arrah and The Ferns, A Snakein the Garden, Bat Attack, Beach House, Bellflur, Big Suit, Birds andBeasts, Black Feelings, Blowtorch, Blue Leader, Bocca Chica, BONJOURHI! Dance Party, Brenda, Bridget Martin, Brown Bird, The CapstanShafts, Castanets, Casey Dienel and the Flapjacks, Casiotone for thePainfully Alone, Charlambides, Chow Nasty, Chris Brokaw, ChristianWolff, CLUES, CONCERN, Crinkles, Cuddle Magic, Cursillistas, DeadUnicorn, Death Set, Death Vessel, Deleted Scenes, DJ Baby Bantam, DJClassic Hits, DJ David Goliath, DJ Divorce Party, DJ Gris Gris, DJ Llu,DJ Mix by Force , DJ ZJ, Doby Watson, The Donkeys, Don Browrigg, DrewStock , Duane Pitre, Dust From 1000 Years, Dygn, Dynasty, Echoes StillSinging Limbs, Elfin Saddle, Emperor X, Evan Miller, The Evens,Fantastic Dungeon, Farm, Fiasco, Fighter, Forrest Mulerath, FutureIslands, Genevieve et Matthieu, Get Him Eat Him, Greg Davis,HARMONIZER, Hello Shark, Health, HEARTTHROBZ, Hercules & LoveAffair, The Hero Cycle, Horse Back, Horse Feathers, I Am Hidden and IAm Not, Imaad Wasif with Two Part Beast, In Memory of Pluto, InfinityWindow, Jack Wright, James Kochalka Superstar, James Tenney, JasonKahn, Jason Anderson, Jazz Guys, Jenny Montana and the Fancy Pants,Jess Clemons, Johanna Kunin, Jon Mueller, June Debris, Kamikaze Hearts,Karl Blau, Killer Whales, Kira Kira, Kris Gruen, Kurt Wiesman, LadyLamb the Beekeeper, Laura Gibson, Lendway, Let’s Whisper, LexieMountain Boys, Lizz King, Loch Lomond, Luke Temple, Lullatone,Lisa/liza, The Mae Shi, Marie Claire, Matthew Loiacono, Metal Feathers,Mi3, Micah Blue Smaldone, Mike Device, Mike Tamburo, Miracle Fortress,Missy Bly, Mixylodian, Monotonix, Momster, Moonbank, Mount Eerie, MuseeMecanique, Nat Baldwin, Nethers, Nick Jaina, Noa Babayof, NosebleedIsland, Nuda Veritas, Oak, Off Minor, Oh So Insidious, Old Believer,Olivier Toulemonde, Paleo, Paddy Reagan, Paper Castles, Phosphorescent,Papercuts, Pink Bacon, Pontiak, Ponytail, Pretty & Nice,Raccoo-oo-oon, Ramona Cordova, Real Life Time Machines, Remote Islands,Rough Francis, Ruth Garbus, Ryan Power, S(band)EX, Sarah Mangle,Screaming Females, Sean Hood, Shapes and Sizes, Sharon Van Etten,Sinaloa, Sister Suvi, Small Sur, Small is Beautiful, The Smittens,Steph Clark, STEREO WARMUP! Dance party, Stellar OM Source, Strand ofOaks, Sun Circle, Swale, Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra andTra La La Band, The Berg Sans Nipple, The Depreciation Guild, The DevilMusic Ensemble, The Engines, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, ThePersian Claws, The Robot Ate Me, The Vacant Lots, The Wailing Wall,These United States, There Were Valleys, Think About Life, Tiger Saw,Tom Carter, To Bad Catholics, To the Trees, Toby Aronson, Tooth Ache,Truman Peyote, Tullycraft, Twin Cats, Vandermark 5, Velella Velella,Video Hippos, Viking Moses, Visitations, VIVA RADIO DJs, Voles,Vultures of Cult, We Versus The Shark, White Hinterland, Will Johnson,Women, Wye Oak.

And worthy others who we inevitably forgot. Thank You.

Nick, Dale and Julia -- Tick Tick Booking  


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About The Author

Dan Bolles

Dan Bolles

Dan Bolles is the culture coeditor at Seven Days'. He has received numerous state, regional and national awards for his coverage of the arts, music, sports and culture. He loves dogs, dark beer and the Boston Red Sox.

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