Page 32: Short Takes on Five Books by Vermont Authors | Seven Days

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Page 32: Short Takes on Five Vermont Books 

Here's our read on the latest works from local authors Ann Anderson Evans, Alan S. Kessler, Jonathan Mingle, Gail Marlene Schwartz and Nancy Welch.

Published September 4, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

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About The Authors

Ian Dartley

Ian Dartley

Ian Dartley was a summer culture staff intern at Seven Days in 2024. At which time, he was a graduate student at Northeastern University pursuing a master’s degree in journalism. He is a general assignment editor at the Scope and contributes to the Huntington News, as well as Brookline News.
Chris Farnsworth

Chris Farnsworth

Music editor Chris Farnsworth has written countless albums reviews and features on Vermont's best musicians, and has seen more shows than is medically advisable. He's played in multiple bands over decades in the local scene and is a recording artist in his own right. He can often be found searching for the perfect soft pretzel or listening to a podcast about the X-Men.
Hannah Feuer

Hannah Feuer

Hannah Feuer is a culture staff writer at Seven Days. She's a 2023 graduate of Northwestern University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in journalism and economics. Her previous journalism experiences include stints with the Daily Northwestern, Reporters Without Borders, Medill Investigative Lab, Moment Magazine and Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle.
Leah Krason

Leah Krason

Leah Krason was a summer culture staff intern at Seven Days in 2024. At which time, she was a junior at Wellesley College, studying English and studio art. At Wellesley, she works with the journal of campus life, Counterpoint Magazine.
Ken Picard

Ken Picard

Ken Picard has been a Seven Days staff writer since 2002. He has won numerous awards for his work, including the Vermont Press Association's 2005 Mavis Doyle award, a general excellence prize for reporters.


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