Turner Toys — When Toys R Us closed its Williston store in 2018, one would have expected no small wave of panic to rise in Vermont parents — not to mention kids. That didn't happen. When it comes to shopping, locals have always been inclined to think outside the big-box store. And locally owned Turner Toys provides.
The shop relocated from Essex Junction to Williston in April 2022, growing its space by 30 percent. Puzzles, games, dolls, stuffed animals and art kits share the bright, well-organized store with art kits, Frisbees, boomerangs and trucks. Many toys are designed to teach while they entertain. Peter Sloan, who has co-owned the business with his wife, Elizabeth Skinner, since 2011, once likened it to a science museum gift shop. You'll find classics — Tiddlywinks, Lite-Brite, Etch A Sketch and jump ropes — as well as birthday cards and a free gift-wrapping station.
"You're going to want to look at everything, so let me hold your smoothie for you," a mom told her daughter as they walked in.
A smoothie and a toy store?
"I know," Mom said. "It's a good day."
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