Published October 26, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance Amendment ZA-22-04: UVM Trinity Campus Zoning ZA-23-01: South End Innovation District Overlay (SEID)
Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4441 and §4444, notice is hereby given of a public hearing by the Burlington Planning Commission to hear comments on the following proposed amendments to the City of Burlington's Comprehensive Development Ordinance (CDO). The public hearing will take place during the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, with the hearing starting at Time Certain 6:45pm. You may access the hearing/meeting as follows:
To join virtually from a Computer, please click this URL to join, and enter the Webinar ID if prompted:
Link: Webinar ID: 992 4501 1459
To join virtually by phone, dial this number and enter the Webinar ID when prompted:
Number: +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 992 4501 1459
This Public Hearing will take place only virtually. There is no in-person option.
Pursuant to the requirements of 24 V.S.A. §4444(b):
Statement of purpose:
The purpose of the proposed amendments are as follows:
ZA-22-04: To update the dimensional and use standards for development within the Trinity Campus Overlay zone, and establishes new requirements for supplemental application materials for developments on the Trinity Campus.
ZA-23-01: To create an Overlay Zone that applies to a portion of the South End Enterprise-Light Manufacturing zone, to facilitate the development of a mixed-use urban district that fosters the continued growth and sustainability of the South End's arts and innovation economy and also provides access to housing.
Geographic areas affected:
These amendments apply to the following areas of the city:
ZA-22-04: Properties within the ICC-UVMT Overlay District
ZA-23-01: Properties within the E-LM zoning district as shown on the attached Map.
List of section headings affected:
The proposed amendments modify the following sections of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance:
ZA-22-04: Modifies Sec. 4.5.2
ZA-23-01: Modifies Sec. 4.4.3, Sec. 9.1.12, Appendix A – Use Table and creates Sec. 4.5.8
The full text of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance is available online at The proposed amendment can be reviewed in hard copy posted on the first floor of City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington or online at
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