Published July 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
The residents and non-resident owners, lien holders, and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Huntington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that a levy upon the following described parcels of land has been asserted by the Town of Huntington through its Delinquent Tax Collector for taxes unpaid for the 2019-2020 tax year. Included with each description is the tax bill, which has been committed to the collector for collection as relates to the tax against each individual delinquent taxpayer. Said lands will be sold at public auction at the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Huntington, on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, as shall be required to discharge such property taxes, with interest, costs, penalties and fees, unless previously paid.
By virtue of the Tax Warrant and Levy and the tax bills committed to Brent Lamoureux, Delinquent Tax Collector for the Town of Huntington said Delinquent Tax Collector hereby levies against the parcels described below.
Dated at Richmond, Vermont this 19th day of July, 2021.
Attorney for Brent Lamoureux, Delinquent Tax Collector, Town of Huntington, Vermont
Laura E. Gorsky PLLC
13 East Main Street, P.O. Box 471
Richmond, VT 05477
(802) 434-3344 Telephone
Parcel #1
Being a parcel of land said to contain 58.17 acres, more or less, and located at 3275 Camels Hump Road, Huntington, Vermont. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Charles Atkinson Koskinen by Warranty Deed of Burrows Forest, LLC dated May 10, 2018 and recorded in Volume 111 at Page 394 of the Land Records of the Town of Huntington. Being Tax Parcel No.: 022170 (formerly No.: 022150).
Parcel #2
Being a parcel of land with all improvements thereon located at 1425 Bert White Road, Huntington, Vermont. Being a portion of the same lands and premises conveyed to Markley E. Smith and Marijke Irene Smith by Warranty Deed of Richard T. Moore and Janet E. Moore dated April 17, 1967 and recorded in Volume 25 at Page 3 of the Land Records of the Town of Huntington. Being Tax Parcel No.: 016075.
Reference is hereby made to the instruments aforementioned, and the records thereof, and the instruments therein referred to, and the records thereof, in further aid of this description.
NOTE: Laura E. Gorsky PLLC and the Town of Huntington give no opinion or certification as to the marketability of title to the above-referenced properties as held by the current owner(s).
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