Published October 13, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
Douglas Whitney, last known address of 111 Shelburne Road Unit #8 Burlington, VT 05401 has a past due balance of $1,562.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 03/31/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 6/11/15 the contents of unit #252 will be sold at private auction on, or after October 30, 2021.
Jenny Tremblay, last known address of 5047 Mt. Philo Rd. Charlotte, VT 05445 has a past due balance of $1,185.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 4/30/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 9/30/19 the contents of unit #112 will be sold at private auction on, or after October 30, 2021.
Jackie Trayah, last known address of 300 Lake Street Apt 107 Burlington, VT 05401 has a past due balance of $773.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 5/27/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 11/12/20 the contents of unit #198 will be sold at private auction on, or after October 30, 2021.
Auction pre-registration is required, email [email protected] to register.
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