Published April 14, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
In re ESTATE of Estate of William M. Aldrich
To the creditors of William M. Aldrich, late of Shelburne, Vermont:
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described within the four (4) month period.
Dated: 4/7/2021
Signed: /s/ Alexandra M. A. van Breen
Executor/Administrator: Alexandra M. A. van Breen
9585 28th Bay Street
Norfolk, VA 23518
Name of Publication: Seven Days
Publication Date: April 14, 2021
Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Unit, Probate Court
Address of Probate Court: P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
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