Published August 17, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
The Bolton Select Board will hold a hybrid public hearing at the Bolton Town Office on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 6 p.m. to obtain public feedback regarding proposed amendments to the 2017 Town Plan. To participate in this meeting via computer, please use the following link:
To participate in this virtual meeting via telephone, please call +1 646 558 8656, use meeting ID
852 7811 3414 and passcode 591507
The proposed plan amendments will be:
1. Incorporating the Bolton Valley Master Plan by reference and updating the proposed land use map (Map #12) to include new land use districts developed in the Bolton Valley Master Plan. The proposed changes to the proposed land use map alters the designation of land near Bolton Valley Resort.
2. Updating an energy plan that the Bolton Energy Committee created in 2019 with the CCRPC.
3. Making minor changes to the proposed land use map (Map #12) to create more consistent zoning patterns.
Geographic areas affected include properties located near or on the following roads: Bolton Valley Access, Wentworth, Thacher, Duxbury, Sports Club Ln, Ardec Ln, Nature Trail, Bear Run & Gardner Ln.
Specific sections to be amended: Introduction, Chapter 3: Prosperity, Chapter 4: Place, Chapter 5: Implementation, Appendix 1: Maps, Appendix 2: Documents Incorporated by Reference.
Copies of the proposed amendments are available for inspection, at the Bolton Town Office, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway (RT 2) Bolton, VT 05676, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday, except holidays, and on the Town's website at
The hearings are open to the public. If you cannot attend the hearing, comments may be made in writing prior to the hearing and mailed to: Town Clerk, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway (US Route 2), Bolton, VT 05676, or via email to: [email protected].
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