Published November 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
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1. Public Comments
2. PRESENTATION: Housing Commission: Inclusionary Zoning
3. CONTINUED FROM 5/13/21-SKETCH Plan: Gutema: 8-unit, 5-lot PUD-R on a 37.8-acre parcel located at 137 Towers Rd in the AR & R1 zones. Tax Map 14, Parcel 39-11.
4. SITE PLAN: Forestdale Heights, Inc/Cummings: Multiple self-storage unit buildings located at 23 & 24 Corporate Dr in the RPD-I zone. Tax Map 72, Parcels 3-23 & 3-24.
5. SKETCH: JMW Investments, LLC: 32-unit PUD-R located at 87 Pinecrest Dr in the R2 District. Tax Map 48, Parcel 4-1.
6. Minutes: November 18, 2021
7. Other Business
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