Published March 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.
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1. Public Comments
- Site Plan Amendment: Black Bay Ventures XIV/LLC: Proposed exterior mechanical units at 19 Thompson Dr in the RPD-I zone. Tax Map 72, Parcel 9.
3. SITE PLAN AMENDMENT: Ed Lockerby: Proposed parking area expansion at 29 Gauthier Dr in the I1 Zone. Tax Map 9 Parcel 3-17.
4. PRELIMINARY/FINAL: Why Not, LLC: Proposal to subdivide a 3-acre parcel from a 125-acre parcel located at 39 Essex Way in the MXD-PUD zone, B1 subzone. Tax Map 91 Parcel 10.
5. Minutes: March 11, 2021
6. Other Business
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