Published December 21, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.
Zoom Meeting*
Applications Under Review For January 10, 2023
The Huntington Development Review Board (DRB) will meet via Zoom to conduct the following business, pursuant to the Huntington Zoning and Subdivision Regulations:
Subdivision / Land Transfer
Melvin and Julia Fields seek a 7 acre subdivision to facilitate a land transfer with their neighbors McGinley/Papas. Subject property is located in the Rural Residential District (five-acre zoning) at 1379 Economou Road, Tax ID# 04-008.400.
Zoe Papas and Mark McGinley seek a 2 acre subdivision to facilitate a land transfer with their neighbors the Fields. Subject property is located in the Rural Residential District (five-acre zoning) at 1211 Economou Road, Tax ID# 04-008.300
The applications project information are available for viewing on the town website; and in the Town Clerk's Office.
Participation in the hearing process is required to appeal a decision of the DRB. Application materials may be viewed at the week before meeting. Link to Zoom access is available on the home page.
-Yves Gonnet, DRB Staff, December 14, 2022
*Zoom: xWXUzUT09 Meeting ID: 828 5309 2094 Passcode: 328992 / Questions: 802-434-2032.
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