Obituary: Byron E. Trepanier, 1984-2021 | Seven Days Vermont

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Obituary: Byron E. Trepanier, 1984-2021 

Rutland native loved sports and "changed lives with his smile"

Published November 22, 2021 at 5:30 a.m. | Updated November 22, 2021 at 4:44 p.m.

click to enlarge Byron Trepanier - COURTESY PHOTO
  • Courtesy Photo
  • Byron Trepanier

The family of Byron Elliott Trepanier, just 37 years old, must sadly announce that Byron left this life on October 8, 2021.

He was born in Rutland, Vt., on January 7, 1984. He was a cheerful baby and grew up a typical boy: carefree, fearless and full of life. As early as 5 years old, he played town sports, including baseball and soccer. His love of sports sustained him all his life, and he and his brother, Bobby, were experts on the subject. Byron graduated in 2003 from Monadnock High School in Swanzey, N.H., where he played football and basketball.

He was most recently employed at the Spot restaurant in Burlington's South End, where he was loved for his hard work and comradeship. Byron had an easygoing nature, and he was very sweet, always friendly and a joy to all.

Byron’s father, Joseph Trepanier, of West Rutland, passed away in 1992. Byron’s late grandmother, Betty Trepanier Kapitan, née Fish, grew up in Hydeville. Byron was named for Betty’s father and brother. He is survived by his devoted mother, Jane Miller-Trepanier, of West Rutland, always there for him; his wonderful older brother, Eli, and sister-in-law, Stephanie, of Benson, Vt.; and younger brother, Bob, who loved and looked up to his older brother. Byron especially had a mutual love with his only nephews, Tayis L’ecuyer and Elijah Sky Trepanier. Also surviving Byron are his aunts and uncles, the Gilmans of West Rutland, his uncle Ed and aunt Robin; and his cousins Courtney and Nick Loomis and Hillary Gilman. He is also survived by the patriarch and mentor of the family, uncle Gary Miller-Wade and his wife, Susan, who loved Byron so very much.

The entire family loved him beyond measure. All the younger kids naturally looked to Byron for fun and attention, and he was always willing. Byron changed lives with his smile. He will be truly missed by his lifelong best friend, housemate and traveling buddy, Luke Furneaux, with whom he went on many adventures.

Every year, Byron’s extended family and so many friends head to Moose Point on Lake Bomoseen. No one misses this event, all loving the outdoor cooking, swimming, boat trips with Eli at the helm, warm friendships and family love. Byron was there every summer of his life, adding his terrific personality to the making of memories.

Meet dear Floyd, Byron’s happy doggy companion. Byron’s humor led him to create “A Boy and His Dog,” a photo album on Facebook. People came to look forward to the next installment of their adventures together.

The McCormack/Furneaux family, of Clarendon, was Byron’s very close other family for all his life. Byron loved them all — Mom, Andrea, and siblings Luke, Audrey, Isabel and Ted — like his own.

There are no services planned at this time, but the family will host a celebration of life for our "Sunshine Child" in the spring/summer. The details will be published then.

Byron left us with so many memories and stories, and the telling has proven to be a saving grace. The family hopes that everyone who is grieving will share the events of Byron’s life, as laughter and fond memories are such good things for all. The family would like to encourage all who knew and loved Byron to hold your loved ones close and, additionally, to love the human community, as Byron did.

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