Holly Heile 1 | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Holly Heile 1 
Member since Oct 4, 2018


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Re: “The Whole Tooth? Vermont's Head Warden Targeted for Covering His Tracks in Bear Case

Why doesn't this surprise me? The head of Fish & Wildlife Louis Porter and the Colonel have misled people in the past. They both seem to act as though they're above the law. They alter records, lie to the public, ask their wardens to do things that they don't do themselves etc.... Its bad enough that the Colonel couldn't be bothered to follow the law but what's worse is that he hid it from his wardens and then asked them to enforce the very law he broke! We need to clean house at Fish & Wildlife starting with the head of the Dept. Shameful.

31 likes, 23 dislikes
Posted by Holly Heile 1 on 11/07/2018 at 2:36 PM

Re: “Up to Here in Deer: As Fewer Vermonters Hunt, the Growing Herd Is Becoming a Problem

You sound petty and if I may.... a bit threatened! Funny how a lot of legislators fought very hard to pass that legislation. It was certainly no "pat on the head." You're condescending and also likely a chauvinist. People like you make me want to spend time at the statehouse fighting alongside Brenna and Tom and whoever else has the nuts to go against Vermont's cruelty masked as tradition!!

1 like, 5 dislikes
Posted by Holly Heile 1 on 10/10/2018 at 5:49 PM

Re: “Up to Here in Deer: As Fewer Vermonters Hunt, the Growing Herd Is Becoming a Problem

Hey Bob,
Funny because Brenna and company got legislation passed to ban coyote killing contests in VT so clearly legislators take her seriously! She was also asked to speak at a Bernie rally in August alongside Addison county legislators. I listened to the audio and she was fantastic! So you can try and tear down people who are volunteering their lives for a cause they believe in, but it just makes you look petty.

1 like, 5 dislikes
Posted by Holly Heile 1 on 10/10/2018 at 8:57 AM

Re: “Up to Here in Deer: As Fewer Vermonters Hunt, the Growing Herd Is Becoming a Problem

Mike F Smith:
Audubon and Nature Conservancy all receive big bucks from VT Fish and Game so of course they fall in line like good little soldiers. That is exactly why groups like VCCC, VWC, POW and GMAD are important and growing in numbers by the day. Their opinions are not bought and sold! I'd like money out of politics and I'd like money out of wildlife management too!

3 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Holly Heile 1 on 10/04/2018 at 6:01 PM

Re: “Up to Here in Deer: As Fewer Vermonters Hunt, the Growing Herd Is Becoming a Problem

Mr Covey:
Nature is no Disney movie and your insincere comment about man's duty to save wildlife from nature is emotional drivel. If you trap, you kill old, young, male, female, heck, you don't even kill what you intended to! So to say trapping is an effective tool is beyond misguided. And bears, bobcats, coyotes all do a great job at keeping prey species healthy and moving to not overgraze. Hunters aim for the healthiest animals with the biggest antlers. Those animals should be left to carry on their genetics. How is killing them helping with nature? It is not. You are interfering with nature and trying to pretend that trapping (!) and hunting predators helps wildlife is just silly. You know what coyotes kill? They prey on easy meals so that includes the weak, sick, old and sometimes fawns if mom isn't nearby to protect.

And your comment here is wrong although you like to speak like you're some expert: "Keep in mind that in areas where folks cannot access the deer herd due to posting, they also cannot access the predator base" If you knew anything about coyotes, bears and bobcats, their range is miles! No one is safeguarding predators on their POSTED land!

4 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by Holly Heile 1 on 10/04/2018 at 5:58 PM

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