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Member since Sep 13, 2016


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Re: “Court Finds Abuse Claims Baseless — but a Mom Still Can't See Her Son

Child custody/access litigation, as it is done in the US, is the cruelest
form of domestic violence and child abuse/cruelty known to humankind.
Only the creepiest, most violent and dishonest cowards among
counsel go into this practice area. Think about it, what kind of
mentally disturbed jackarse would promote or permit the use of
litigation/warfare between distressed parents of vulnerable minor children?
But regardless how sick, greedy and decrepit any given set of family lawyers
are, the family court judge has complete control over this process, and can
either treat the parents equally and order however much mediation
is required to resolve all issues (5 sessions will do it for about 99%
of the population in this situation); or they can act with extreme
cowardice/cruelty towards the children, take sides between the parents,
and order litigation/trials. The judges who do the former sleep
well at night, and still get paid. The one who do the latter will
typically suffer a painful, humiliating demise, and end up paying
dearly, one way or another, for each child and parent they
tortured and/or abused.

Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 04/15/2018 at 8:35 PM

Re: “Wrong-Way Driver Kills Five Teens on Interstate 89

Have they identified the family lawyers and
family court judges who destroyed these
six families and killed all these kids?

0 likes, 9 dislikes
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 12/22/2016 at 11:34 PM

Re: “Suspected Wrong-Way Driver in Crash That Killed Five Teens Faces Charges

Cheryl, in your four comments, you do not identity the subject of those
comments--i.e., the principal perpetrator. While there may have been one or
more violent, conflict and greed-driven family lawyers involved in generating
violence and torturing the Bourgoin family, ultimately it is a family court judge
involved who will directly affects the outcome, in this case for six tragedy-
stricken families. A judge will either permit violent and deadly child
custody litigation against the principally-targeted family--that is, family
lawyer brutalization and cannibalization of the family or, alternatively,
serve the impacted children/family and public good by skillfully ensuring equal
treatment of the parents at each step of the process, and by being
relentless in simultaneously ensuring inter-parent communication,
family mediation and parental cooperation and agreement entirely
in place of violent, cruel and endlessly abusive adversarial methods
of family dispute resolution. The outcome, it seems, was solely in
the hands of the family court judge handling that child custody case.
Is that the person to whom your comments refer, and have they
identified the individual?

0 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 10/20/2016 at 8:14 AM

Re: “Steven Bourgoin Pleads Not Guilty to Five Counts of Murder

Ian, the point being, the 6 families will advance/promote
justice not by going after two health care agencies
that failed to prevent the massacre, but by going after
the individuals who caused the massacre, especially
any who profited from (or were paid for) escalation of
the Bourgoin parentage matter,

1 like, 5 dislikes
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 10/17/2016 at 11:35 PM

Re: “Steven Bourgoin Pleads Not Guilty to Five Counts of Murder

Re. Ian McCullough's 12:03 pm post: Suits against the Howard Center
and the UVM Hospital for wrongful deaths would have a steep proximate cause
hurdle to overcome. However, a family court permitting the use of litigation instead
of mediation to resolve a child custody case, this can be expected to result in bankruptcies,
foreclosures, suicides and homicides (roughly half of these in the US are caused by
child custody litigation), especially when family lawyers are involved in escalating the
conflict, and there is real property and minor children are involved. A much better and
more productive legal action by the five families would be a RICO action against
whichever family court and family lawyers tortured and impoverished the Bourgoin
family to the point of causing a massacre, and tragedies among five other families.

2 likes, 7 dislikes
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 10/17/2016 at 1:09 PM

Re: “Steven Bourgoin Pleads Not Guilty to Five Counts of Murder

Have the family lawyers and family court judge(s)
responsible for escalation of the Bourgoin family
conflict--i.e., for causing this community massacre
on the Vermont highway--have they been identified?

2 likes, 8 dislikes
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 10/17/2016 at 12:31 PM

Re: “Court Finds Abuse Claims Baseless — but a Mom Still Can't See Her Son

Ten million or more (too many) child custody/access cases are litigated
each year, rather than being resolved by courts through skillful, respectful
treatment of both parents, and relentless encouragement of or orders for
inter-parent communication and mediation.

Whether any given child custody/access case is resolved amicably, reasonably
amicably, or through warfare and litigation and never properly or fully
resolved, is dependent virtually entirely on whether the family court judge(s)
assigned to the case is highly-skilled and well-trained, or not. Given our
current family court system, the likelihood of that is about one in a hundred, at
best, at least in most states. Even in a child custody case involving the alot of
property and the greediest, most dishonest and violently cruel family lawyers,
there is almost nothing they can do to permanently harm the children or parents
involved in the case, if the presiding judge is highly skilled and well-trained.

1 like, 1 dislike
Posted by SevenDaysDancing on 09/13/2016 at 3:26 PM

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