Seven Days

My Adult Sister Is Obsessed With American Girl Dolls

The Reverend Apr 10, 2024 10:00 AM
ID 46884929 © Stbernardstudio|

Dear Reverend,

My sister, who is in her thirties, always wanted this particular American Girl doll when she was a kid. She never got it back then, so my mom and I bought one for her as a gift last Christmas. She has become obsessed with collecting the clothes and accessories for it. She's already spent $50 this month. How do I get her to rein it in?

Dolly Pardon (woman, 37)

Dolly Pardon,

I wasn't very aware of the American Girl doll phenomenon, so thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole (@hellicity_merriman on Instagram can really suck you in, by the by).

For people like me who missed the craze, here's a brief recap: American Girl dolls have been around since 1986 and, according to Wikipedia, "portray eight- to fourteen-year-old girls of various ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and social classes throughout different time periods throughout history."

The dolls are still made today, and they come with, among other things, a name and a book about their backstory. They were extremely popular in the mid- to early 2000s (for oldsters like me, think Cabbage Patch Kids), so it's no wonder your sister caught the fever. Since she never had a doll when she was young, it sounds like she's now living out a childhood dream.

There are millions of people who collect toys from their younger years: Star Wars figurines, Transformers, Hot Wheels cars, My Little Pony, Smurfs — the list goes on. Some see these collections as an investment, but they're also a reminder of a simpler time. Nostalgic items can really be a comfort in a crazy world.

If your sister were buying doll clothes rather than paying her utility bills, that would certainly be cause for alarm. As long as she can afford to spend a little extra money on this newfound pastime, what's the harm?

Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend