Skydiver Survives Power Line | Seven Days Vermont

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Skydiver Survives Power Line 

Published February 21, 2009 at 6:53 p.m.

[Ed. note: this just in from Seven Days editor Pamela Polston...]

Wow. Today at the Brattleboro Winter Carnival, a Massachusetts skydiver crashed onto a power line, and lived to tell the tale. According to an email we received from Steve Costello at CVPS, the unnamed diver was supposed to land in front of the crowd in Memorial Park. Instead, winds caused him to detour onto the power line at the park's edge. His body came down on one side of the four wires, while his parachute went over the other. As Costello put it, "He somehow threaded the needle between all four and escaped unharmed." Shocking! Er, not.

If only all people who fall from the sky were so lucky.

Oh, and the incident temporarily cut electrical service to 3029 CVPS customers.

Here's a Fox News report from Boston.

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