Edward Koren Becomes Cartoonist Laureate With Ceremony and Talk | Live Culture

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Edward Koren Becomes Cartoonist Laureate With Ceremony and Talk

Posted By on Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:15 PM

click to enlarge Cartoonist Laureate Ed Koren - COURTESY OF CCS
  • Courtesy of CCS
  • Cartoonist Laureate Ed Koren

We already announced that longtime New Yorker cartoonist and Brookfield resident Ed Koren was to be named the next Vermont Cartoonist Laureate, for a three-year term. The time has come for the pomp and circumstance. That is, as much as the self-deprecating cartoonist will allow.

Thursday, February 27, at the Vermont Statehouse, here's what will go down:

12:15 p.m.: Meet and greet with Koren, Cedar Creek Room, Vermont Statehouse

1 p.m.: Vermont Cartoonist Laureate joint resolution on Statehouse floor

After that, Koren will hightail it down to White River Junction, where he'll give a talk at the Center for Cartoon Studies, 46 South Main Street, at 3 p.m. A reception will follow.

Congratulations to Ed, and thanks to outgoing (and very first) Vermont Cartoonist Laureate James Kochalka! Stay tooned for more.

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About The Author

Pamela Polston

Pamela Polston

Pamela Polston is a cofounder and the Art Editor of Seven Days. In 2015, she was inducted into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.

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