What I'm Watching: Under the Skin | Live Culture

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Under the Skin
Rated R · 107 min. · 2014
Official Site: undertheskinmovie.com
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Writer: Walter Campbell
Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Paul Brannigan, Robert J. Goodwin, Krystof Hádek and Michael Moreland

Now Playing

Under the Skin is not showing in any theaters in the area.

  • About The Author

    Ethan de Seife

    Ethan de Seife

    Ethan de Seife was an arts writer at Seven Days from 2013 to 2016. He is the author of Tashlinesque: The Hollywood Comedies of Frank Tashlin, published in 2012 by Wesleyan University Press.

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