Bump on a Blog: Belly Rubs | Seven Days Vermont

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Bump on a Blog: Belly Rubs 

Published February 25, 2014 at 8:20 a.m. | Updated April 4, 2022 at 7:52 p.m.

click to enlarge Chillin' with my 29-week bump on an 18-degree day at Top Notch Spa last week.
  • Chillin' with my 29-week bump on an 18-degree day at Top Notch Spa last week.
When I first got pregnant, people warned me that once my belly was big, I'd start getting unwanted looks, touches and comments from strangers. 

Now that I am sporting what is obviously a pregnant belly — not just a lumpy midriff leftover from lunch — I'm starting to understand what they meant. When you're creating another human life, everyone around you becomes interested.

People give you conspiratorial looks every time they catch you with food in your hands. They offer daily updates on the growth of your midsection. They ask you how you're sleeping. And yes, sometimes they touch you.

The thing is, I kind of like it. 

And I get why people do it. It's exciting to see a woman with a giant belly! Under what other circumstances do you get to watch a woman's life change before your eyes?

Women who've had babies — and the partners who supported them through those 40 weeks — get nostalgic when they look at you. They want to tell you what it was like for them. They want to induct you into the secret society of Women Who Know. 

And people who've never had a baby stare, too, because, let's face it: Pregnancy is insane. One day you're a normal-looking woman; before long you're bursting at the seams with a live human creature. 

Here's what I love about sporting a bump that seems to have become part of the public domain:

This article was originally published in Seven Days' monthly parenting magazine, Kids VT.

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About The Author

Megan James

Megan James

Megan James began writing for Seven Days in 2010, first as Associate Arts Editor. She later became an editor for Seven Days' monthly parenting magazine, Kids VT, and is currently a freelance contributor.

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