From the Publisher: Seven on Sunday | Seven Days Vermont

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From the Publisher: Seven on Sunday 

Published March 3, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

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The 23 reporters and editors employed at Seven Days write dozens of stories each week — about local news, food, arts, businesses and people. But not all of their articles wind up in the weekly print edition. Between our web-only stories and supplements such as Staytripper, Nest and Kids VT, you have to make an effort to find and read everything that gets produced in a seven-day period.

Even I miss the occasional gem.

That's why, about a month ago, we launched Sunday Best, a newsletter that delivers seven great reads from the week — and the occasional "Stuck in Vermont" video by Eva Sollberger. It lands in your inbox with a virtual thud at 5 a.m. on Sunday morning, a tribute to the extra-thick paper that many of us will forever associate with the second, more contemplative day of the weekend.

I grew up with the Washington Post, which my parents had thoroughly divvied up and pored over before I awoke. Reading it opened my eyes to the world and, closer to home, the shenanigans of former president Richard Nixon. The Style section reliably offered some of the best profiles, reviews and feature writing in the country.

The internet has changed that weekly ritual. At any time of day or night, readers can search for news — and answers — online. Burrowing into previously inaccessible troves of information can be empowering, but seeking out sources, communities and versions of events that confirm misguided or disturbing views can be dangerous.

Another downside: When you're ready to move on to the next article, an algorithm likely has suggestions for you. But they're based on your past behavior — if you like this conspiracy theory, you'll love the next one — and on what's most likely to keep you engaged, and possibly enraged. The quality of the content is rarely a factor.

In contrast, we recommend the old-fashioned serendipity of discovering a great story in a reputable news source.

That's why we're compiling some of our best work of the week — in a variety of subject areas — in one convenient email. We might pluck a story from the Seven Days archive, too, if it sheds light on current events. For example, during the recent impeachment of former president Donald Trump, our Sunday Best included a 2016 deep dive into the long tenure of U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), who presided over the trial.

If you're not yet getting Sunday Best and would like to, please sign up at Here's hoping you'll be pleasantly surprised and captivated by something you weren't looking to learn. Discovering something new, and true, is still thrilling, even if you're finding it online.

P.S. Another reputable news outlet, the Daily Beast, noted Seven Days' pandemic plight this week in a story titled, "These Altweeklies Faced 'Total Annihilation.' Here's How They Survived." Writer Sophia June also talked to publishers at the Cleveland Scene, the Stranger in Seattle and the Austin Chronicle. Thank you, Super Readers!

Got something to say? Send a letter to the editor and we'll publish your feedback in print!

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About The Author

Paula Routly

Paula Routly

Paula Routly came to Vermont to attend Middlebury College. After graduation, she stayed and worked as a dance critic, arts writer, news reporter and editor before she started Seven Days newspaper with Pamela Polston in 1995. Routly covered arts news, then food, and, starting in 2008, focused her editorial energies on building the news side of the operation, for which she is a regular weekly editor. She conceptualized and managed the “Give and Take” special report on Vermont’s nonprofit sector, the “Our Towns” special issue and the yearlong “Hooked” series exploring Vermont’s opioid crisis. When she’s not editing stories, Routly runs the business side of Seven Days — overseeing finances, management and product development. She spearheaded the creation of the newspaper’s numerous ancillary publications and events such as Restaurant Week and the Vermont Tech Jam. In 2015, she was inducted into the New England Newspaper Hall of Fame.


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From 2014-2020, Seven Days allowed readers to comment on all stories posted on our website. While we've appreciated the suggestions and insights, right now Seven Days is prioritizing our core mission — producing high-quality, responsible local journalism — over moderating online debates between readers.

To criticize, correct or praise our reporting, please send us a letter to the editor or send us a tip. We’ll check it out and report the results.

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