Vermont 3.0 Creative/Tech Career Jam [SIV64] | Stuck in Vermont | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice

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Vermont 3.0 Creative/Tech Career Jam [SIV64] 

Published January 30, 2008 at 4:00 a.m. | Updated July 26, 2015 at 10:41 p.m.

1/26/08: Is there a brain drain in Vermont? Are we losing brainy young people to metropolitan areas?

These days, Vermont's economic forecast seems glum which is where Seven Days and Vermont 3.0 come in.

This Saturday over 1,500 people stopped by Main Street Landing to mingle with the 50+ exhibitors at the first ever Vermont 3.0 Creative/Tech Career Jam.

The concept was simple, provide a meet and greet for innovative Vermont technology companies and people searching for jobs. Voila!

In case you were one of the few who missed it, Governor Douglas played Guitar Hero (not too successfully), Bernie Sanders and Anthony Pollina came through, students from all over VT and leaders in Vermont's creative technology industries rubbed shoulders.

After a successful event such as this, the future seems bright enough for shades.

Music: Super fresh song by Missy Bly, "Afraid to Fly," off her brand new album, MB3.


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About The Author

Eva Sollberger

Eva Sollberger

Seven Days senior multimedia producer Eva Sollberger has been making her award-winning video series, "Stuck in Vermont," since 2007. New episodes appear on the Seven Days website every other Thursday and air the following night on the WCAX evening news. Sign up at to receive an email alert each time a new one drops. And check these pages every other week for insights on the episodes.

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