Baby Belugas Meet First Nations Culture in Québec’s Newest Whale-Watching Site | Seven Days

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Baby Belugas Meet First Nations Culture in Québec’s Newest Whale-Watching Site 

Starting on June 21, visitors will have a new opportunity to spot and learn about rare whales at an observation deck that is opening atop the Gros-Cacouna mountain.

Published May 21, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.

Bonjour Québec logoThis article is part of a travel series on Québec. The province's destination marketing organization, Alliance de l’industrie touristique du Québec, under the Bonjour Québec brand, is a financial underwriter of the project but has no influence over story selection or content. Find the complete series plus travel tips at

The original print version of this article was headlined "Beyond Belugas | A new First Nations-run whale-watching site in Québec melds science and Indigenous culture"

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About The Author

Diane Selkirk


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