Is it really over? Thanks for the memories! | Seven Days Vermont

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Is it really over? Thanks for the memories! 

Published May 8, 2012 at 9:14 a.m.

Rw-logo-webAll of us at Seven Days would like to express our sincere appreciation to the restaurants, sponsors, individuals and local businesses who supported Vermont Restaurant Week 2012.

Your enthusiasm, trust and good taste helped us showcase the best of Vermont food, and we are proud to have you involved.

We'd like to extend a special thanks to the following sponsors and other local businesses who helped make our special events series a huge success. We love you all!


Local Venues & Businesses

?Sweet Start Smackdown Contestants

Judges and Speakers

FoodbankOne last reminder to help our friends at Vermont Foodbank: If you had a great meal this week, take two minutes and give back to your hungry neighbors. It's easy! Just text the word FOODNOW to 52000 and a $10 donation will be charged to your phone bill.

Got something to say? Send a letter to the editor and we'll publish your feedback in print!

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