Yoga Pose of the Month: Waterfall | Seven Days Vermont

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Yoga Pose of the Month: Waterfall 

Published September 1, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

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Waterfall is a great way to release stress and get our body ready to focus!


  • Relaxes the nervous system
  • Changes perspective
  • Stretches back side of body: legs, spine and neck
  • Stimulates digestion


  1. Stand in mountain pose.
  2. Raise your arms up to the sun.
  3. Bring your arms out and down to your toes. Keep your knees slightly bent, more if your hamstrings are tight.
  4. Let your head hang. Breathe, maybe making the sound of a waterfall.
  5. When you're finished, roll your spine back up.

Have Fun!

  • Tickle your toes or a breathing buddy (stuffed animal).
  • Let your arms swing from side to side.
  • Count your toes.
  • Slap your hands on the ground, splashing in some water.
  • Try the pose by water or in the sprinkler.

Pose description courtesy of Susan Cline Lucey of Evolution Prenatal + Family Yoga Center in Burlington and Essex. Visit for online and in-person class listings for kids and adults.

This article was originally published in Seven Days' monthly parenting magazine, Kids VT.

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