Taste Testing the Grilled Cheese Movement | Seven Days Vermont

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Taste Testing the Grilled Cheese Movement 

Published February 5, 2009 at 5:31 p.m.

[image-x] On a recent Tuesday, I found myself in the basement of the UVM DavisCenter thanking whatever higher power blessed me with a lactose tolerance. I was examining an enticing menu of creativelyfilled grilled cheese sandwiches made by the student-run,non-profit group FeelGood.

With local chapters across the nation, this group sells grilled cheesesandwiches from locally-donated ingredients and donates 100% of theprofits to the Hunger Project. "Ending global hunger, one grilled cheese at time," proclaims theFeelGood website. I was excited to do my small part to support thiscause, but overwhelmed by the options.

There was the "Cheesus Loves Me," boasting cheese, tomatoes,mushrooms, and spinach. And the Shelburne Sandwich (a tribute toShelburne Farms for donating over 60 pounds of cheese a year): a meltymixture of onions, peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, and of course, cheese.For those with a sweet tooth or with the ample appetite needed to follow asavory sandwich with a dessert sandwich, salvation came in the form ofthe "Cheese Louise." Apples, cheese, and the choice of cinnamon sugaror honey mustard were grilled between two slices of bread on this newestof the FeelGood sandwiches. The list went on, including the cleverlynamed "Catamelt," and sandwiches dedicated to supporter Jerry (as in friend of Ben) and Klinger's, which happily donates its breads.With nearly four years of operation behind them, UVM FeelGood president Margaret said club members have had the time to get creative.

I settled on the "Cheesus Loves Me" with added pesto (and a fortuitous bite of my diningcompanion's "Cheese Louise") and happily parted with my four dollars.It seemed a small price to pay to help end world hunger and my own simultaneously.

UVM FeelGood sells its grilled cheeses for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at the tunnel entrance in the Davis Center. All the sandwiches named above can be spotted, concocted, and devoured there.

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