Obituary: Burt Porter, 1937‑2020 | Seven Days Vermont

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Obituary: Burt Porter, 1937‑2020 

Glover poet left behind words of wisdom

Published December 30, 2020 at 4:00 a.m.

click to enlarge Burt Porter - COURTESY PHOTO
  • Courtesy Photo
  • Burt Porter

Burt Porter died at the age of 83 on the morning of December 29, 2020, at the Greensboro Nursing Home. He was comfortable and his usual cheerful, congenial self until the end.

He loved his life as an entertainer, musician, poet, teacher and father figure. His family would like to thank everyone who gave him a chance to be that in this world.

His friends were an important part of his life. Thank you to all of you who made his life special.

When speaking about his poetry, he said, “I put words where I think they will stay for a little while when I am gone. I try to lock words in place like fitting stones into a stone wall.”

Burt's family felt that during these confusing times, it would be appropriate to open a Facebook page as a way for people to come together to share their memories and feelings. His page is listed here.

The Lesson

By Burt Porter

My Death has been my counselor
For many and many a year;
He always gives me good advice
And makes my choices clear.
He often tells me life is short
Therefore I should live well
And get the most from every day
Before the final knell.
He sweeps away small issues
That clutter and conceal
What matters and what doesn’t,
What’s false and what is real,
And when I ask him what’s the best
That this life has to give,
He grins a boney grin and says
“Don’t seek it out - just live.”

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