Menus Posted: Union Jack's & Connie's Kitchen | Seven Days Vermont

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Menus Posted: Union Jack's & Connie's Kitchen 

Published April 20, 2012 at 11:22 a.m.


6a00d83451b91969e20168e82ad691970c-800wiWhether you're in Burlington or Hardwick, we could all use a great fresh-baked cookie every now and then. Restaurant Week is the best time to do so at Union Jack's or Connie's Kitchen.

At Union Jack's in Burlington, the tastes of the British empire stretch beyond the eatery's not-to-be-missed fish and chips. Specially for the $15 Vermont Restaurant Week menu, owner Shelly Cleveland is preparing Indian-style chicken curry. Make sure to call ahead and reserve some cookie dough for a special treat. Union Jack's is the only place around that will batter and fry a homemade cookie for you.

In food-focused Hardwick, Connie's Kitchen uses Vermont products whenever possible. When you design your own sandwich on the bakery's freshly prepared bread, local Madhouse Munchies chips are included. End the meal by choosing a cookie from a wide range of specialties — anything from ginger to oatmeal-chocolate-chip to peanut butter.

To learn more about Union Jack's or to see the full menu, click here.

To learn more about Connie's Kitchen or to see the full menu, click here.


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